Masked are us all humans today !
Equipped with our true arsenal
Always played in disguise..
Masks our very own play cards ..
Masks that we carefully wore..
For specific times,
For specific people,
For specific purpose..
Us Humans!!
We always adored masks..
Worried what would come..
If we showed our true faces..
Played, played well us humans ..
Mastered hypocrisy..
Didn’t care if neighbours die in poverty..
Made sure our cauldrons are filled to the brim..
What if people around die, die along with all their Kin..
Bizarre fashions..
Did all we could to what God blessed us..
Humiliated bodies..
Queer clothes..
Stocked shoes
Played with food
Suffocated the very nature ..
That nurtured us ..
from the wombs to healing the wounds..
We didn’t care and played in disguise..
Tarnished our very original beings in greed..
Mastered the art of Mask !!
Until a tiny..
Invisible yet invincible Virus..!
Taught us what centuries lacked ..
Caught us when armies couldn’t ..
Squeezed us, Gathered us all around the hearth.
Showed each other and to every being on earth..
Masked are us All Humans today !!
So was our choice, So be the norm..
Masked are us all Humans Today !!!